Monday, January 25, 2016

The Ways To Reach Out For The Satisfaction.

Living A Satisfying Lifestyle Is The Ultimate Source Of The Bliss Or The Greatest Happiness

{संतोषादनुत्तमसुखलाभः} योग सूत्र 2/42.

"The Contentment or the Satisfaction causes the greatest happiness".

Yoga philosophy states that :-
"The  greatest joy is attained through the self satisfaction".

Happiness cannot be reached by any other means, but through gratification. What does it entail to live a satisfying lifestyle? It means enduring the life in balance, i.e. neither demanding too much of it, nor too little. Just try to construct a better living with whatever you have and try your best to keep following the True Religion, performing every day, every time faithfully with the duties.

It also implies that you make sure thatyour Personal requirements such as emotional, mental, physical, and social, are taken care of and it means that you keep yourself as healthy as possible without becoming too much affected by the circumstances and personal thoughts.

"The people should be satisfied with the food that they have, their own women and the wealth". Chanakya quote

Here's the few things that can facilitate you to live a satisfying lifestyle.

>>> Distribute Happiness Of Others Who Are Nearby And Who Need It
Real satisfaction and happiness comes from helping others, exhibiting kindness and  making them smile and gratified. When you cause other people happy, the happiness returns back to you and you make yourself happy in return. Plus Surrounding yourself with happy people makes you feel secure and joyful. So set out making people around you happy, smile and laugh. The  more people around you will be felicitous, the most  you will be satisfied  and  joyful.

>>> Relax In Solitude Each Day
You are exercising very hard for full  utilization of the world and the time.  You are busy whole day at school, at work or at home. Give those activities a break during the day, particularly when you are about to going to sleep or during the free time. Taking a bit away from your busy schedule not only helps you be more productive, but it also helps your mind process to deal with what happened during the day.

>>> Admire The Beauty Of The Amazing World
Besides, take a look around you and admire how beautiful the world is. Have a look at the beautiful scenery and things around you. Appreciate the miraculous conception. It will get you calmer, happier and more peaceful.

>>> Don’t  Become Too Serious
Don’t get too tough on yourself. Have a creative sense of humor. Attempt to be as accurate as possible, but remember that the world is inherently imperfect. Humans always commit mistakes. No one is purely and utterly perfect. Therefore give yourself permission to progress to fewer mistakes and have fun with that. Making mistakes might make you look bad in front of others, but it likewise makes you human too. Others will relate to that, so laugh it away instead. Laughing is a symbol of the happiness.

>>> Dream Better Even When Awake
Dreaming is inspirational. All the things we love at present such as electricity, computers, smartphones and airplane flights etc. are a result of someone else’s dreams. Somebody has to dream up and build up an idea before the idea can be put into the action. Since most people don’t recall the dreams they had when they are asleep so why not dream during the day while you are wide awake? Dreaming makes you more inspiring and creative. Which in turn will make you feel gratified with the life and thus happy.

>>> Be prepared for the incoming defeats
Most unhealthy, unhappy and insatiable relationships and consequences are a result of competitive and challenging arguments. Sports and entertainment purposes only recreational activities. They are meant to provide happiness and joyousness. And then why do you have to win everything every time? Winning anything doesn’t make you or the other participants happier, except the limited case where there is no one else who has been affected.

In that respect is usually nothing that is right or wrong, but just a difference in understanding, vision and perception. Looking at the other person’s point of thought and understanding where they are coming from doesn’t mean that you have to agree with them. It’s more important to show the opponents that their perspective is welcomed by and evaluated.

>>> Spend  some time with older people and kids
These two groups of people have different views towards life. Elderly people have a set of experiences and knowledge. Discourse with them to share what they have learned, so that you can apply these important lessons to your life. Kids are innocent, satisfied and happy. They don’t flow on to the grieving. Discover how they let go of their emotions so quickly and you’ll be happier.

>>> Minimize Gossiping
Your push is better spent on yourself. Why squander your energy listening to things about other people that may not be true? Gossip doesn’t add value to your liveliness. If you require to satisfy your curiosity, use your energy to learn and improve yourself instead. Scan books and listen to inspirational talks, visit the religious institutions nearby and enjoy the music beats.

>>> Have A Control Over The Hate
Life is excessively short for allowing yourself in hating anyone. You sack of course spend your rest of the life hating someone, but that doesn’t mean that person will change. In fact, the other person may not be even knowing that you hate them or realize that they have done something incorrect. Get rid of those ill feelings towards them and throw a little more control over your heart.

>>> Forgive Little Mistakes
People commit mistakes in everyday life.  Try to  forgive little wrongful done by them. It will feed you so much more freedom, satisfaction and happiness. Since to err is human beings and to forgive is the divine.

>>> Resign From Self Praise
You can’t have a dominance over what other people think about you. It's their business to think about you. Notwithstanding, your business is to think of yourself. You can work on how you think about yourself. If people think negatively about you, merely you have a strong self-worth, you won’t be getting affected by the negative thoughts of the people. Nevertheless, if you don’t think highly about yourself, no matter how other people praise you, you will still feel that you aren’t good enough.

"Self praise has no good words" .

>>> Sleep At Least Eight Hours A Day
Relax and enjoy a peaceful, sound sleep. Getting adequate sleep gives you vitality and attention for the next day and  satisfaction. Sleeping helps to repair the damage you have performed on your body during the day. It also enhances the integration of your memory. Sleep helps with the health and safety and thus helping yourself with the happiness. Therefore be certain to catch enough sleep and make sure you sleep is uninterrupted.

>>> Donate Smile and Laugh More
When you smile, it makes you feel happier, lighter and less strained. Laughing helps you let go of emotions that have been collecting up inside yourself. When you smile and express joy, you will attract other positive people to smile and laugh with you. That will help you to prepare a bond with other people easier and make you feel even better.

>>> Forget The Issues Of The Past
When people argue, they like to bring issues of the past into their controversy, making the arguments even worse. Learn to forget around the past and let go the issues of the past. It’s not reasonable to judge your partners and other people of the society, with the mistakes they made in the past. You should constantly focus on the current situation or problem, and come up with a solution to resolve it.

>>> Drink Plenty Of Water And Other Fluids
Drink able fluids such as juice and water keeps you hydrated, healthy and happy. It is of the essence for the circulation of nutrients in the body. It likewise helps to flush out toxins, waste, and bacteria through sweat and urine. Furthermore, drinking water and other drinking fluid make you feel fresh and improves your moods. Consequently, it’s extremely important to drink enough of the water and fluids everyday.

>>> Develop The Habit Of Reading, Studying And The Research
Almost every matter of life is already present in the scripts. You can get almost everything that's relevant to the matters of the life. Most people read for two main reasons i.e. pleasure or knowledge. Knowing your design for reading helps you read more books. It will assist you select the books you are attracted to read and eliminate books that you don’t need to read. Reading books also help you cut down stress. You either find yourself dived into the great stories or get solutions to your problems in the books. Either way you are content and happified.

>>> Your Happiness Is Your Personal Affair
You are completely responsible for your life. If you are distressed, it’s your responsibility to do something about it and  cure it. Don’t wait for other masses to come up and make you happy. Other people might not know what hits you feel happy or how to make you feel happy. More importantly, you have no any control over the other people’s behaviors. You can only control yours, so take responsibility of your happiness and happify yourself in your own suitable ways and styles.

>>> Grow Your Trust In Friends
Turn up some confidence in your friends. Honest friends are rare and jewels in the  life. Honest friends are always there to support in odd times and situations and uplift your career in every aspect. They supply various types of different perspectives of your life, best suggestions to improve your life and provide a way to get more out of the life.

Staying in contact with the old friends reminds of where you came from. Guidepost memories develop further more serious relationships. It’s difficult and nearly impossible to keep up with everybody’s life, whether the family members or the friends or colleagues. But schedule a fourth dimension and plan something to catch up with your old buddies. It’s rewarding to take heed to their stories and  add joy to the  life.

>>> Strengthen Your Family Relationships
Family is important to everyone in the world. It’s your blood line and  starting point. It’s what determines and defines your growing up. You can always count on your family during good and tough times. Even though you may be busy and have a very different focus in life from your family, remind them regularly and find out how they are getting along. A call, message or a visit to family members means a lot to them.

>>> Get Up, Dress Up, and Show Up - However You Are Feeling
When you form a commitment to yourself, a friend, a colleague or a family member, show up and do what you promised to do or at least try to  make  things better. There will invariably be times when you don’t feel like doing what you promised. Nevertheless, if you don’t show up with them, then nothing you desire will prosper in fact.

>>> Jog Every Day
If you sit in front of the computer most of your waking hours, try to schedule some of the minutes each day to strike your body. Jogging is a good way of exercising. It facilitates you to strengthen your muscles and improve your cardio. Addition, it helps your mind too. Exercise boosts your confidence, helps you focus, and relax your body tensions and provide you with the satisfaction and happiness.

>>> Practice Meditation, Yoga, and Prayer Meditation, yoga, and prayer can help quiet your mind and deal with anxiety. It can assist you get your thoughts centered and listen to your inner voice with better clarity. Sometimes, you get too busy and forget to breathe. Using these activities will focus your breathing and help you relax the body and the mind. Yoga is great for health as well.  Prayers clean up the hindrance of the  spirit.

So make the best way to lead in the world and the life. Meditation, yoga and prayers have magical effects in the spirit.

All of the above mentioned points and tricks are useful and helpful to attain the Contentment, Happiness and The Joy, which is the most important thing in the world and in the Life.

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Paramhans Jiddanand