Wednesday, December 9, 2015



What's Somethingism?

Somethingism is a belief system for people who believe in something - but who haven't a clue what that Something might be or is. It's a brand new Religion. In Holland, a stripped-down belief system is rising up. In Dutch, Somethingism is known as Ietsisme (ITS-is-meh). In Hinduism it is different. In Hinduism It's known as "Om Soaham". Which means that or he or she or it is me myself. Sa in Sanskrit meaning other than myself and aham meaning myself. Somethingism, It's a nice niche for those who aren't at all sure what God is like. Nearly a quarter of all people now check the box "None" when asked their religious affiliation. I wonder how many of those Nones would be happy, given the chance, to check a box labeled "Somethingist" or "Nothingist"? Nothingist is not a possible belief system. However Somethingism is still a hope.

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Paramhans Jiddanand